8:30- 9:00 // Registration
9:00 // Opening Session: Gisele Oda, Loren Buck, Kênia Bícego
Symposium 1 : “Heterothermy and Nocturnal/Diurnal Switches as strategies to cope with environmental challenges”
9:30 // Behaviour and thermal biology of mammals: a laboratory-field comparison
Fritz Geiser
Andrea Fuller
10:30 // Coffee Break
Symposium 2 : “Diversity and Plasticity of temporal programs in Neotropical ectotherms””
11:00 // The thermoregulation of ectothermic vertebrates: History, current views, and complicating factors
Carlos Navas
11:30// Temperature, season and integrative physiology: the cases of two Brazilian ectothermic species
Kênia Bícego
12:00 // Lunch
14:00 // Data Blitz of selected student posters
14:30 // Posters and interaction with students
February 19th
February 20th
February 21st
Symposium 3 : ““Interface between Energetics and Chronobiology in Daily and Seasonal Phenomena”
8:30 // Animal Energy Expenditures – A Matter of Timing
Jim Kenagy
9:00// Sex-dependent phenological plasticity in an arctic hibernator
Loren Buck
9:30 // Energy homeostasis in response to seasonal challenges in hibernating tegu lizards
Sílvia C R de Souza
10:00// Nocturnal or Diurnal determination in Field and Lab conditions
Gisele Oda
10:30 // Coffee Break
11:00 // Discussion:
(prepared by the organizing committee, intended for all participants)
"The concept of Heterothermy and its relation to biological rhythms"
"The roles of clocks and reactive components in metabolic depression"
12:00 // Lunch
14:00 // Young Investigator Presentations : Short talks by the Post-Docs of the Physiology Department
"Physiological variation and environmental changes: tales of amphibians from Brazil" - Rafael Parelli Bovo
"Evaluating different parameters of thermal tolerance used to produce forecasts of climatic vulnerability" - Agustin Camacho
"Seasonal differences in behavior and physiology of neotropical butterflies in a changing climate" - Carlos Candia-Gallardo
"Seasonal relationship between steroids and immunity in ectotherms" - Carla B. Madelaire
"Impacts of daily rhythms plasticity on energy budget in a South American subterranean rodent" - Patricia Tachinardi
"Seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of the thyroid, glucocorticoid and reproductive hormones in the tegu lizard Salvator merianae" - Lucas A. Zena
15:30 // Small group discussions
Small discussion groups will be organized and composed by invited speakers, host researchers and students. This will be a further opportunity for a closer contact with students and their projects.
09:00 // Seminar/Discussion with USP faculty and students on the Focus, Findings and Future of the workshop
(prepared by the organizing committee, intended for all participants)
Special Participation: Prof. Regina Pekelmann Markus (IBUSP)
“Where do we go from here?”
“What are the ways and challenges for doing transformative science?”
" What do we need for answering new key questions: lab-field studies, methods and devices, etc?”
11:00 // Interaction time
12:00 // Lunch
Thursday and Friday,
February 15th and 16th
Pre-Workshop Course
A pre-workshop course will be held at UNESP-Jabotical. For more information click here.